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This apostolate started in October 2012. It began as a children's ministry where the friars gather the children every Sunday afternoon for Catechism lessons. Years passed and the children grew up well-acquainted with the life of the brothers in their monastery. Seeing the joy in these young people to serve the Lord, the friars began training them for ministry as lectors and altar servers. The brothers also initiated leadership training seminars for these teenagers so that they may become good Christian leaders and missionaries to their fellow youth in the society. 


They are lay faithful who wish to become part of the entire Discalced Augustinians family in following the footsteps of our Holy Father Augustine in striving to grow in holiness and serving the Most High in the spirit of humility. They help in fulfilling the OAD mission of bringing God closer to people and people closer to God. They support the religious order in their missionary work. 


To fulfill the OAD mission of bringing God close to people and people close to God, the professed friars of 'Our Lady of Good Counsel Community' reached out to the less fortunate families in the neighborhood near their religious house. They gathered the children and taught them the Catechism every weekend. They also initiated feeding programs and Sunday masses for these families. 

Since the very beginning of The University of Cebu Banilad Campus , already
around twenty, the OAD offers its service to the Students.
Daily mass since ever, and during these past pandemic months daily mass streaming from Monday to Friday at :30 am. Christian orientation and accompaniment of the students, through the different youth movements. Choir, Lectors, Acolytes. Recollection and retreats for graduating students and faculty, and during the Advent and Lenten season confession for all, class by class, with always 4 to 6 priests present. During the last few years the same service is being extended to the UCLM



The Hermandad de Santa Rita de Cascia, founded on May 12, 2011, is a group of OAD Lay Associates that fosters devotion to the Saint of the Impossible and Desperate Cases: SAINT RITA of CASCIA- by promoting her Gospel Values through PIETY, EXEMPLARITY & APOSTOLATE.

They strive to live the virtues of CHARITY, HUMILITY, PURITY OF INTENTION, PRAYERFULNESS & SPIRIT of GRATITUDE. They nourish themselves with the Sacraments of the Holy Mother Church, the Word of God and the Augustinian Spirituality specifically with that of the Order of the Discalced Augustinians. They group themselves as Communities of Brethren following the ideals of the first disciples of Our Lord and was perpetuated by our holy Father Augustine.

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CONTACT US (Philippines, Cebu)
OAD Lower Tabor: 032 272 5527
OAD Middle Tabor: 032 225 0028
OAD Sunnyhills: 032 346 6848
Luzon: Pasig City and Antipolo
Visayas: Cebu City and Merida Leyte
Mindanao: Butuan City
​Indonesia: Bandung 
​Vietnam: Da Nang and Ho Chi Min 
​India: Nalgonda, Jammapuram
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