We will see that our CHRISTIAN FAITH
is also our MARIAN FAITH

The Marian devotion in OAD has deep traditions, in the Monasteries, from whatever position, corridor, stairs, meeting rooms or whatever, the OAD where always under the glance of a statue or a painting of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
The titles are the most wonderful, see the OAD Litany, many Monasteries, still today, are dedicated to the blessed Mother of the Lord. Among the different groups of Augustinians only the OAD use the rosary beads hanging on their cincture.
From the OAD Directory n.11:
“The religious don’t limit to the practices of piety
enumerated, but each in particular commits himself to cultivate the spirit of prayer, the devotion to Our Lady especially with the daily recitation of the Rosary and with the other Marian devotions proper to tradition.”
Ven. Fr. Carlo Giacinto of St. Mary
The OAD Marian Tradition
Ven. Fr. Giovanni of St. Wilhelm
Our Lady of Tabor
The OAD Constitutions (n. 10) say: "In the spirit of tradition, we contemplate in Mary the Mother of Grace and the faithful, the model of Consecrated Life and the perfect type of the Church”
In the above picture,the original oil painting is venerated at the OAD Tabor Hill chapel and was donated to Fr. Luigi for his 25th priestly anniversary.
It is not difficult to imagine the Blessed Virgin, walking on the Nazareth hills, with the little Jesus in her arms, pointing to Jerusalem and the hills surrounding it, and prophetically mention.

Our Lady of Good Delivery
A special Marian devotion in the Augustinian Orders is the one to Our Lady of Good Delivery. Dozens of childless couples, or pregnant mothers not able to bring their pregnancy to completion, in praying a novena, whether nine days or nine weeks, have succeeded with great joy.
“O Mary, Mother of God and our mother, turn to us who desire to have a child, your maternal gaze. For centuries you have been invoked as the Madonna del Parto, and you are the hope and comfort of many wives and mothers. We come before your image, oh Mary, with trust and hope that only you can understand our suffering. O Madonna del Parto, obtain for us the gift of a baby from the Blessed Trinity.
To your patronage, we entrust this plea. You who know our intimate desire and our responsibilities to the gift and respect for life, pray for us. O merciful, O pious, O sweet Virgin Mary.”

Our Lady of Mercy
We could make a very long list of the titles given to the Blessed Virgin. That's why we have the Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary. There are a lot more, according to cultures and different historical moments. Throughout history, the Marian apparitions cannot be counted. There are many miraculous images and paintings as part of the catholic tradition.
Our Lady of Mercy is venerated in the Church and Monastery of the OAD in Fermo, Italy's central-easternside.
We really need God's mercy; we always pray: Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy, Kyrie Eleison, we repeat it many times. In the Eucharistic celebration, at the end of the "lamb of God”, it is said there. Salve Regina, Mater misericordiae = Mercy.

Our Lady of Good Counsel
Her feast is celebrated in all the Augustinian Communities on April 26. The OAD Formation House in Sunny Hills, Talamban, Cebu, is dedicated to her.
The original is venerated in the Marian Shrine in Geneazzano, central Italy. It is said that it appeared miraculously on a column on the ongoing construction of the Church.
It appeared miraculously in Italy, as it disappeared miraculously from the original place in Albania. Her Counsel? At the wedding reception in Cana, she said to the servants,
"Do what he says." Jn 2:5
Through Mary to Jesus! Always.

Our Lady of Fatima
"My God, I believe, I adore, I hope, and I love you! I beg pardon for all those who do not believe, do not adore, who do not hope, who do not love you." This is the prayer taught by the angel in Fatima in preparation for Mary's six apparitions to the three children, from May 13, 1917, to October 1917.
The parish in the relocation area outside Antipolo, entrusted to the OAD, is dedicated to our Lady of Fatima. Construction of the parish church is ready to begin. Throughout the world, uncountable Shrines and churches are dedicated to Our Lady of Fatima. Her Pilgrim statue has reached almost all the corners of the earth: Her message?
“Sacrifices and prayers for the conversion of sinners.”

Our Lady of Valverde
The beautiful image of Our Lady of Valverde is venerated in the sanctuary and pilgrim center of the same name in Sicily, Italy.
For Centuries the OAD friars were honoring the Blessed Virgin Mary and serving the people of the Island. As Italy today is very poor in Vocations – the families are poor in children, at this time the OAD friars serving in the Sanctuary of Valverde are four young OAD Brazilian priests.
It is a new form of evangelization and missionary work. Interesting is that Sicily has offered four Missionaries who spent their life in the OAD Brazilian Mission, in return at this time, four Brazilians are serving the Italian Mission.

Our lady of Manaoag
Filipinos are very devoted to Our Lady of Manaoag, Our Lady, who is calling! The statue of Our Lady of Manaoag is an ivory and silver image of the Virgin Mary with the Child Jesus enshrined at the Basilica's high altar, Pangasinan.
It was brought to the Philippines from Spain through Manila galleon trade from Acapulco, Mexico, in the early 17th century by Padre Juan de San Jacinto, an Augustinian. Today the Basilica in Pangasinan is under the care of the Dominican Friars.
Images of our Lady of Manaoag, Our Lady who is calling, are honored at Tabor Hill, Sunny Hills, OAD Butuan, OAD Puerto Bello, and OAD Brazil.

The Madonnetta, "Small Madonna," honors the Blessed Virgin Mary, who appeared to the OAD novice, Fra Carlo Giacinto of Saint Mary, asking to build her a temple just beside the existing church of the Monastery of St. Nicholas in Genova.
When it was built, Ven.Fr. Carlo Giacinto himself enthroned the statue of alabaster, 70 kgs, without help. When the founder asked the architect how much he should pay him, he only asked to be admitted to the OAD under the name of Fra Marino of the Assumption.
The shield, "ex rupe fontes acquarum" remarks that “Madonnetta” is the spiritual conversion source of new life.

Our Lady of Consolation
The Augustinian Orders celebrate her feast on September 4. Our General House in Rome is dedicated to her.
The second patron of the Community of Tabor Hill is Our Lady of Consolation. Many churches and confraternities are dedicated to her. Her secondary name is Our Lady of the Cincture.
Yes, the belt is the symbol of all graces, the channel starting from Jesus, through the hands of Mary to St. Monica, the mother of St. Augustine. It was the way of the conversion of Augustine. Mary is venerated under this title as the heavenly and consoling mother of all Augustinians.

Our Lady of Aparecida
Nossa Senhora Aparecida, Our Lady of Apparition, contrary to the name, did not appear to someone in particular.
The miraculous image was found by a group of fishermen in their nets. It is a very Brazilian devotion. Its enormous Marian shrine is visited by millions of devotees every year. Several OAD parishes in Brazil are dedicated to Our Lady of Aparecida.
There is no Brazilian Catholic who is not devoted to her. Mary always brings us close to Jesus; she is the Coredemptrix and Mediatrix of all graces and blessings.

Our Lady of the Poor
During the year 1933, the Blessed Virgin appeared to Malette, a poor girl in Belgium: her message:
"I am the Virgin of the Poor” and to all the suffering ones, “I am coming to their support.
"To Our Lady of the Poor is dedicated the OAD parish in the periphery of Turin, in the northern part of Italy, at this time seat of the Italian OAD province.
As in many other areas worldwide, the OAD friars serve the people of God in humble and poor parishes.

Our Lady Mediatrix
of all Graces
Many altars in the Augustinian churches and monasteries are dedicated to our Lady of Grace. Her devotion has been revived; we have an image of her in the garden of our Formation house at Sunny Hills, where we gather daily to pray the Holy Rosary.
The Marian devotion feeds us spiritually. The Rosary Garden at Tabor Hill, with twenty mysteries from her Annunciation up to her Coronation, recalls to our mind how she, the mother of Jesus, looked and meditated upon the happenings in the life of her son.
Indeed, the crowning of the Blessed Virgin shows that she is the queen of our life, the Order, the Church, the world.