In the photos: adsum, the response of young people to the journey of the priesthood. Paralellamente to the study of theology, undertake the various steps of the ministries (= service. Students in the second year of theology were admitted to the ministry of readers, while those of the third year were admitted to the minister of acolytes. Everything took place on the special day of the Immaculate Conception.
Christmas is coming, here is my day:
Wake up at 3, first mass at 4: 30 (for the Christmas novena) at Tabor Hill, second mass at 6 at the University, third mass again at Tabor Hill, at 9:15, in Latin. At 11 am blessing of a house, at 2 pm, appointment with a family asking for prayer, and more will follow ... What a Sunday!
Thanks to the Lord, it is not certain that this year I will be able to prepare the Christmas letter.Happy Holidays with the Peace of Jesus, Fr. Luigi
Fr. Luigi Kerschbamer
Admission to Ministries of
Acolytes and Lectors