458th FIESTA SEÑOR 2023
The third Sunday of January, always the Feast of the Holy Child of Cebu, is the 458th holiday!
Every day of the novena, eleven celebrations, always full, inside and outside in the adjacent streets. The first mass always at 4 am. The other day I got distracted: I counted the people in charge of collecting the offers, all in uniform, with bags with long handles, there were 76.
Extraordinary ministers who help distribute Holy Communion. About thirty, only men, in addition to all the concelebrating priests. Yesterday great procession of folk parades in honor of the Holy child.
Long live the Holy Child, Long live Señor Santo Niño! (Viva Pit Señor, It is the local greeting, like Merry Christmas or Happy New Year)
Thanks to Señor Santo Niño, thank you all.
Fr. Luigi Kerschbamer, OAD